Playlist Dump

Really quick! There's more longer, quality-er content coming soon. I've been sick the past week. But, just because I haven't been posting, doesn't mean I haven't been listening to music or creating playlists. From January to April, here's a dump of some of the fun things I've been doing on Spotify. Feel free to follow me over there and be the first to know. Sharing music is definitely incredibly high up on my list of love languages. So, I really hope you guys enjoy these. xo.

March 2016 Playlist

Hey ya'll! Lots going on and nothing at all. Will talk more about that later in the week. If you've linked in with me on other forms of other social media, you know I just launched a youtube channel! In my first video, I talked about my love of music and let it be know that there would be a Spotify playlist curated by me each month. Well, here's March!